
Struggling with Meditation, But Not Quite Finding Your Way

I went looking for ideas outside of myself. I discovered it’s not what the world holds for you, it’s what you bring to it. The dreams dearest to my heart are right here.”

Anne of Green Gables

When I read this, it made me wonder what it really meant and is it possible to get what you need within yourself.  …


Moving Forward

However, there is one story that I have been too scared to re-write.

This story is …. finding my missing younger birth sister who was not adopted with my older brother and I from South Korea. I think she was about two or three years old when she went missing, but I am not positive since I don’t have any

Adoption Blog

Taking Courage in 2020

How many of you have made a New Year’s resolution and then shortly after the New Year, it failed? I know that I have.

According to a study done by Strava, the social network for athletes, they found out that the second Friday in January is considered the “Quitter’s Day.”

Several years ago, I heard about identifying a word for